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Kits de doublure et de rayonnage Van Ply

Nous proposons des kits de doublure de fourgon et des étagères intérieures pour une large gamme de modèles.


Disponible en contreplaqué en standard, avec un panneau hexagonal noir disponible en alternative.


Veuillez consulter l'option de magasin ci-dessous pour voir la liste complète des modèles que nous couvrons actuellement.


Nous sommes heureux d'envisager des travaux d'intérieur personnalisés et des rayonnages, veuillez nous contacter pour discuter de vos besoins.

Legal services can be time consuming, tedious, drawn out & with hidden costs. We aim to provide a simple, fast process, with all costs laid out initially and direct, instant contact after booking to provide you with the services required.

Our motorsport contracts are aimed toward team & driver whether sole trader, partnership or limited company. This may include driver competitor alone or co drivers for rallying competitors.


There is a myriad of legal principles involved in such contracts and whilst an oral agreement or contract may be binding, the difficulties in proving the extent and obligations of the actual agreement are extensive and typically a minefield - especially if the parties end up in disagreement and termination has to be considered or activated.


To avoid as far as possible such disagreements and to clearly express the rights and obligations of the parties it is folly not to have a written agreement. It is essential to use a sufficiently experienced professional in all disciplines including law, how events are organised and run.


Contracts can be for the use of a team owned vehicle on an arrive /drive basis or a competitor owned vehicle.


Agreements may also involve a parent as guarantor of a minor and responsible for all payments and/or a third party as the funder (wether via management entity or a sponsor).




Our contracts are prepared by Jamie Champkin, a specialist motorsport lawyer with over 30 years direct experience of national and international motorsport across all disciplines - in particular race, rally & kart.


This includes as a competitor and as a representative of competitors and teams in successful high court contract litigation and before the national motorsport courts of a number of ASN's (UK, Canada, USA & others) as well as the FIA international court of appeals.


Additionally Jamie was the General and Regulatory Counsel & Disciplinary officer of Motorsport UK between 2019 & 2024 & the principal author of the new UK 2025 National Competition Rules.


Our fees for Motorsport contracts include pre-contract online meetings by teams or telephone after booking a time slot to suit and dispute resolution if required is also included.


The essential contents cover:


  • Parties (accurate recording of any corporate entity is vital)

  • The competition

  • The services included and excluded

  • Eligibility of car and competitior

  • Specific obligations regarding payment

  • The consequences of non-payment

  • The handling of appeals and protests during competition

  • Prizes and awards

  • Indemnities and warranties


If you wish to discuss your contract situation prior to committing to the contract purchase, please use the booking form below to schedule a call for a one time fee of £250 plus VAT.


To proceed with a driver contract, please use the booking form below. The total cost is £3000 plus VAT, which includes the initial consultation, Teams/telephone/email communication and finally printed copies delivered to you for each party to sign.


At Event Appeals & Guidance

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